Semi-EPS will allow the vehicles-in which has setup with IU make the visitor and season to enter automatically without inserting Cashcard or tapping flashpay or CPASS II. For Exit station, only the visitor need to make payment with the above cards if it exceeds grace time.
Entry Operation for Visitor and Season:
(i) The system utilizes the ERP-like technology to read the In-Vehicle Unit (IU) of the vehicle for them to gain access to the car park.
(ii) The IU number is captured by the EPS Antenna and the barrier will open automatically.
(iii) The process of reading the IU and for the barrier to open takes less than 2 seconds.
(iv) The entry record for season will be displayed as season and for visitor displayed as visitor. The table in simple have entry date and time,exit date and time,duration,cashcard number(for people whose money is debited by Cashcard/Flashpay) and IU number for grace period.
Exit Operation for Visitor:
(i) Upon exit, the IU number of the vehicle is captured.
(ii) The information will then be matched with the entry record to tabulate the parking fee, and the driver will need to insert a CashCard / Flashpay card or CEPAS II card into the Exit Station to make payment.
(iii) The barrier will open automatically after a successful deduction.For Visitor who exits within grace period also the barrier opens automatically.
Exit Operation for Season:
(i) The same process will applies to all season holders, however no charges will be imposed when season exit. The season holder is not need to insert the cashard/Flashpay to exit. The antenna will automatically detect season IU and open barrier.
What we Need
1) Entry and Exit Barrier with motor drive
2) Entry and Exit Station with hardware Processors and NETS CPT /LTA Hardware
3) Entry and Exit Antenna having 230V AC with Steel Casing
4) Management Station with Windows 10 OS and I7 Processor
5) Intercom Connection between entry ,exit station and management
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+65 - 68421426
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